Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Getting Closure For Yourself When You Can’t Get it From Others

          Let’s face it. We’ve all been hurt before and have encountered situations that are put simply, not as easy to overcome or bounce back from as others.  These situations can be incredibly overwhelming, maybe even painful and even painstakingly confusing at times.  In these moments, we try to find closure; a way to be at peace with this person or situation that hurt us.  We just want to be able to move forward and heal from this event or be free from it.  In some instances, we may feel as though the only way to obtain this closure is from the person or thing that caused it especially if it was a person.  But, what if you can’t get that closure from that one person you need it from?  That one person who caused all of this pent-up hurt, pain, anger, and confusion?  It may seem as though this is the only person who can give you this closure, like it’s out of your control but I’m here to tell you, that’s not the case.

          Unfortunately, there are times in which some people can so easily inflict pain and hurt upon us and act as though it’s nothing thus refusing to or not being capable of giving us the closure we need.  What can we do in those situations when we feel like we hit this wall?  When we have tried over, and over, time after time, maybe even begged this person for closure but to no avail, they just can’t give it to us for whatever the reason?  How can we heal at that point?  It may seem hopeless but I promise you it’s not. Trust me, as someone who has been through this first hand, I know what it’s like to be in such a situation but I also know what it’s like to experience the incredibly freeing feeling of relief and freedom when I discovered I didn’t have to be held captive by not getting that closure from that person.  I didn’t have to be stuck in this situation. There was a way out.

          When I finally came to the realization and reality after attempting numerous times to get that closure from this particular person, I realized that simply was not going to happen.  With that being said, I knew I had to do something to move past this roadblock and as cliché as it may sound, it truthfully all started with gratitude.

          I realized that I may have lost some things and people that were really important to me but what I needed to realize more was what I had/have.  I needed to focus on that and when I started to realize that and do that, I realized that I don’t need this one person to determine my own happiness. This one person does not determine my destiny or my endpoint.  From that point on, I made the decision to not let this one person define who I am, my worth, my happiness, or where I’m going to go in life.  I have an amazing mom who does support me, a passion, drive, and purpose to help others, am living my life, and quite frankly, I have all that I need to be happy and that’s when the game changed for me.

          I wanted to share this with you today because I know how hard this process can be and trust me, I know it’s not an overnight process.  It can take months or even years to realize this because pain and hurt is real and it can and block out what’s right in front of us and what’s within us making those things harder to see. However, while pain is real, so is love, hope, purpose, and determination.  The reality is you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to.  Once you discover these things, nothing (and I repeat as I’ve said in many other blog posts); Nothing. Is. Impossible. You are worth it and you CAN and WILL get through it.

          Thanks so much for reading!  If you enjoyed reading this post please subscribe for more and like, comment, and share with others for even more inspiration!
~Compassionately Inspired

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