Thursday, March 28, 2019

Anxiety: From Your Enemy to Your Best Friend

          As one with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, I know how debilitating anxiety can be.  However, I also know how empowering it can be.

           To start, let me begin with how I came to reach this realization.  I experienced severe bullying during my middle school years so already having anxiety prior, it definitely didn’t help.  In fact, it only made it ten thousand times worse and spiraled into a deep depression.  It was debilitating, to say the least.  It was a chore just to get out of bed every day and the thought of having to walk in a school every day knowing what I was about to face weighed me down to no end.  During this time, I felt like there was no way things were going to get better and I had no hope.  After being told I was too sensitive, emotional and that this was just all in my head by numerous people, I finally found the right professional who advised me that I was in the wrong school placement and that no matter how hard I fight, it’s a battle I will never win with the particular, prestige school district I was in at the time.  With that being said, I switched to a cyber charter school in 9th grade and I had no idea that it would be the best thing I had ever done and I never expected such a turnaround in my life.

          Within 3 weeks of making this transition, all of my anxiety and depression were gone; they just faded because I was given what I needed: acceptance, belonging, and understanding.  With that, I was able to conquer the world.  I was able to take this incredibly negative experience and turn it into something incredibly positive with my social media campaign and this blog not only for myself but also to help others struggling as well, to let them know that they are not alone and that things do get better.

          From those three weeks on, I realized that anxiety didn’t have to be my enemy anymore but rather my best friend.  When I was finally able to thrive and reach my potential, I realized that some of my greatest accomplishments were fueled by my anxiety and facing my fears head-on.  It was in those moments of discomfort and lack of confidence where I discovered some of my greatest passions in life.

          Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not claiming it’s “that easy” by any means; it’s not and I’d be lying if I said I don’t my moments.  I mean, don’t we all? After all, we are all only human.  Additionally, I’m not saying that you have to go out and face all of your fears and conquer the world or anything like that.  However, what I am saying is that you have the power within you to let the different adversities you are faced with in life either define you or empower you (again, I know it’s easier said than done but yet, very true).  The defining moment for me when I finally realized anxiety didn’t have to be my enemy anymore was when I realized that yes, I have anxiety but, my anxiety doesn’t define me as a person.  This is something I truly and strongly want to emphasize to you.  Your anxiety, your mental health, your disability, your health status or anything at all that you may be dealing with, does not define you.  You may not realize it now, today, tomorrow, or even months from now, but these struggles are making you stronger and stronger day after day.

          Once you come to this realization that these different things do not define you, you are officially one step closer to achieving the unthinkable.  The power is then in your hands and you get to decide what you do with that power.

           This is where that anxiety comes into play; that voice that used to drive you out of your mind feeding you lie after lie all day, every day has now become the voice; the voice you’ve been waiting for. The voice that says “you CAN do this” instead of “you can’t”.  It is at that moment that anxiety transforms from your enemy to your best friend.

           Does this mean that you’re cured, that all your problems just go away? Absolutely not.  As I mentioned, I still have my moments.  There will be moments and bad days that make you hit a wall.  There will still be those days where that voice tells you “you can’t” and you may be inclined to believe that voice, but don’t give up.  Remember, it’s just a bad day and it will pass and that the next day you will be unstoppable.

           The key to making anxiety your best friend is not about not having bad days.  It’s not about getting rid of that nagging, discouraging voice; it’s about challenging that voice.  The more you challenge the voice that says “you can’t”, the more positive the voice will become because it will realize that you actually can.  Again, way easier said than done, I get it but I believe in you and I know you can do this.  You got this!
Thanks so much for reading!
~ Compassionately Inspired

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