Monday, December 31, 2018

As You Ring in the New Year....

          It's that time of year again! Just a few more hours until the current year comes to a close and a new one begins! This time can bring about a whole cascade of thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories; the good and the bad. And if you’re anything like me on New Year’s Eve, you’re probably reflecting on the year you’ve had that’s about to come to a close and wondering what’s in store for the year to come. 

          Every year I find myself reflecting and writing about everything that’s happened the past year; the challenges and struggles, and the highlights and this year something got me thinking. We all encounter challenges; that’s just a part of life, right?

           If you’ve had a tough year, you’re probably wishing for a better year ahead with fewer struggles and more happiness. Who wouldn’t want that? No one wants to feel pain or go through hard times. However through those hard times, every challenge, every struggle you have faced this year has prepared you for what’s in store for the new year that’s about to come in just a few hours and has made you stronger than you can imagine. I know it can be so hard to see our struggles in this way sometimes. Sometimes they just feel incredibly overbearing, and overwhelming that we just want them to end or sometimes even go back in time and pretend like it never happened. But as much as we’d like to sometimes wish it hadn’t, it did happen. And while it may not feel like it right now, it happened for a reason. If you have read my other blog posts, you know that I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Even if it takes years to find out what that reason may be; I do believe that there’s always a reason. I am living proof of just that. My greatest struggles in life have turned into my greatest passion, my calling, and my purpose; helping others through similar struggles.

           So, what’s my point? Where am I going with this? The point that I’m trying to get across is that I know it’s tempting to wish for less or even no struggles in the coming year. And that’s totally understandable. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that by any means. What I am trying to say however, is look at all of the struggles you’ve faced this year and as hard as it may be, rather than looking at the struggles you’ve faced as a negative thing, be grateful for them for they have made you who you are today and they have provided you with the strength and courage you are going to need in the year to come and know that everything you’ve been through this year has happened for a reason and one day I promise, you will discover that reason and it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. So as you go into the new year, I encourage you to look back at the struggles you've faced this year and embrace them rather than feel bad about them. Trust me, I know that is way easier than done. I know those struggles probably took a major toll on you, caused a lot of hurt, pain, anger, stress, overwhelm, all of the above, and some may have even worn you down to the ground but as I've repeatedly said; they are what has brought you to where you are today, taught you the lessons you needed to learn, and made you one heck of a strong person and each and every struggle you have encountered bring or brought you one step closer to where you want to and are meant to be. So never give up and never lose hope.

Ring in the new year with this thought and you are already off to an amazing year! Thanks so much for reading and best wishes for a very Happy New Year! ~ Compassionately Inspired

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