The start of a new year and a new decade has officially begun. For some people, this can be an incredibly exciting time. For others, however, it can bring up a lot of thoughts and emotions or leave one to feel overwhelmed or out of place in the midst of all of the excitement.
It can be easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of starting a new year. There can be a lot of pressure to make changes or resolutions, plan, set goals, rebuild your life etc. that you may deem just daunting or too much. Maybe you have a lot going on, just lost someone, aren't feeling it or whatever the case may be; I'm here to tell you that's okay. You don't have to jump into this new year full-force. You don't have to be ready to make new resolutions. It's okay if you're not feeling it or overly excited. It's okay if the thought of a new year seems daunting or overwhelming. Wherever you are at, it's okay.
You are you and on your own journey that is unique to everyone else's. Do what feels best and right for you and don't feel guilty about it. Whether it's a new year or just another day to you, go at your own pace. Take care of yourself. There is no rush.
Although this was a relatively short blog post, stay tuned for my next article coming soon!
~Compassionately Inspired